The Retirepreneur Podcast

"The Hill We Climb" by Amanda Gorman

Joi Disroe Season 1 Episode 17

Welcome to the second episode of 2021 and the 17th episode of the Retirepreneur podcast.

In my last episode I asked us to take a pause, of the recent events that happened at our nation’s Capital.  After seeing the new administration take office, it does indeed feel like a NEW DAY has began.  

This week we celebrate the first woman to hold the office of Vice President of the United States.  Madam Vice President Kamala Harris.  No matter what political association you are, this is a huge advancement for all women, all colors and from all backgrounds. 

One of the highlights of the inauguration was Poet Amanda Gorman who has became the youngest poet to write and recite a piece at a presidential inauguration, following in the footsteps of others such as Robert Frost and Maya Angelou.

This episode provides some highlights of Amanda Gorman’s poem in how it relates to what it means to be a WOMAN in the season we are in now.  Our time is NOW. I also provide the full beautiful poem that Amanda wrote for your enjoyment. 

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